Author Guidlines


The abstract contains a brief description and clear, and explain the entire contents of the article. Abstract writing pressure primarily on the research results. Abstract written in English and Indonesian language a maximum of 200 words on each abstract is followed by keywords 3-5 words. Keywords can be either single words or combinations of words. Keywords used to describe the realm of the issues, and the terms underlying the content of the study. The keywords are required for computerization. Research and abstract title search made easy with these keywords. Typing abstract done with single spacing, font Sitka Heading 10, with a margin narrower than the left and right margins of the main text.

Keywords: abstract, keywords, format.



To maintain the quality of the content and appearance of articles in the Indonesian Journal of Law and Islamic Law (IJLIL), the articles sent to the IJLIL editorial team must comply with the following technical provisions.

The article written is a conceptual article or the result of research on Law and Islamic law that has never been published in print or online media. The article can be sent as attachment files via Open Journal Systems (OJS) Journal of Indonesian Journal of Law and Islamic Law (IJLIL) link by registering the author. The article is submitted no later than two months before the journal is published.

Articles submitted to the editorial team will be checked first by the Editorial Board before being submitted to the appointed Bestari Partners (Reviewers/Experts). The Editorial Board will return articles that deviate from the writing requirements. Articles that comply with the writing requirements will be submitted to Mitra Bestari to be reviewed.


Article Writing Systematics

Writing systematics consists of title, abstract, introduction, research methods, results and discussion, conclusions, and bibliography.


General Writing Format


The body of the article is arranged in one column. Each article submitted must comply with the following specifications:

  1. Articles are written in standard English or Indonesian with Constantia font, size 11, 1 spacing
  2. The journal adopts a guideline of 6000-8000 words for an article, including footnotes.
  3. Articles written in Microsoft Word format are saved in rtf format.
  4. Paper size A4 (8.30 cm x 11.60 cm)
  5. The left margin is 3 cm, the top, right and bottom margins for all article pages are 2.5 cm.
  6. The distance between the header and footer from the edge of the paper is 2 cm.
  7. Please download the IJLIL journal TEMPLATE available on the website.


Letter and Paragraph Terms:

The font used is Constantia for the article title with a size of 14 points, single spacing. Meanwhile, the author's name, affiliation, email address, abstract, keywords, footnotes and headers use the Constantia font. The font sizes that must be used are 12 point (for author's name), 9 point (for affiliation, full address and email), 10 point (for abstract and keywords), and 9 point (for footnotes and headers) with single spacing. The body of the text, section and subsection titles use Constantia font with size 11 points with single spacing. Each section or subsection title is written in bold. Meanwhile, the title "Bibliography" is written using Constantia font size 11 point bold, the books/reference sources in the bibliography are in size 11 point with single space.

The title is written in the center at the top of the first page. The author's name (without title) is below the title, followed by affiliation and complete addresses and emails of all authors, are placed in the center. The abstract is written after the author's identity and is written in two languages, namely English and Indonesian. The English abstract is written before the Indonesian abstract. The left and right indents of the abstract are 0.5 cm. As for the beginning of each paragraph, it is written indented by 0.75 cm. The words "Bibliography" are placed in the center. Writing books/sources in the bibliography that is more than one line, the second line and so on are written indented by 0.75 cm.



Article title: written entirely with Capitalize Each Word provisions. Titles with more than two lines are arranged to form an inverted pyramid. Section title: must be written with a capital letter at the beginning of the word/Capitalize Each Word provisions except conjunctions in bold type. Subsection titles: must be written in bold type, with a capital letter at the beginning of the word/Capitalize Each Word Condition, and placed without indents (not indented). Subsections are numbered starting with the section number. Sub-subsection title: must be written in bold type, numbered sequentially starting with the subsection number. Sub-subsection titles are placed without indents (not indented).


Headers and Footers                                                                                                                      

The provisions for writing headers and footers in the IJLIL journal are as follows. Especially for the first page, don't use a header. The first page footer consists of the journal name, volume, number, month and year of publication of the journal, as well as the ISSN and EISSN of the journal which will be updated by the Editorial Board. The footer is written in capital letters and Capitalize Each Word using Constantia font size 9 point.

For subsequent pages after the first page, the header on even page numbers consists of a fragment of the title of the journal article with a capital letter at the beginning of the word, written in Constantia font size 9 point, align right. And the header on odd page numbers consists of the names of the article authors separated by commas and written in capital letters at the beginning of the word, Constantia font size 9 point, align left. If there are more than 2 authors, then only write the name of the first author, affixed with the words et al.

The footers for all pages in the article except the first page have the same footer shape. The footer consists of the journal name, volume, number, month of publication and year of publication written in Constantia font size 9 point. Example: Indonesian Journal of Law and Islamic Law (IJLIL) Volume 5 Number 1 January-June 2023. The footer is written side by side with the page number, with the page number on the left and the footer on the right. The page numbers start with the number 1 written in Constantia font size 16 point. On the first page the page number is not displayed. Page numbers will be updated by the Editorial Board at the time of publication. The format for all headers and footers as in the template provided can be used immediately.


Sources and Bibliography

All sources listed in the bibliography must be referenced in the body of the article/writing, and only those references in the article/writing are included in the bibliography. Sources are written using footnotes; with the format of writing the author's name, commas, book title (written in italics), written in brackets (place of publication: publisher, year of publication), comma, page numbers (TURABIAN FULL NOTE STYLE) using Constantia style. Example: Mohd. Idris Ramulyo, Hukum Perkawinan Islam, (Jakarta: Bumi Aksara, 1999), 87. The bibliography is sorted alphabetically based on the last name of the author of the book/source (TURABIAN FULL NOTE STYLE). An example of writing a bibliography can be seen in the last section of these instructions.


Figures and Tables

Only figures and tables that have direct relevance to the discussion can be included in the article. Figures and tables are placed in the middle, according to the editorial/sentence referred to in the discussion. Each image (photo, graph and diagram) and table must be accompanied by a description/title and number of the image or table in sequence, written below the image or table in the middle position in 9 point font. For example: "Figure 1. Candidate pairs for president and vice president in the 2019 election", "Table 1. Number of votes obtained by each pair in the 2019 election". The figure or table is referred to in the article as “Figure 1” or Table 1”. All images should be compressed so that they have a maximum resolution of 220 dpi. If the image or table is taken from another source, still include the source from which the image or table was taken as part of the title of the image or table. Figure or table titles with more than one line are written like an inverted pyramid. The font size for table contents is adjusted to your needs and pay attention to readability. If really needed, the typeface can be adjusted to simpler letters.



The conclusion contains a summary of the description of the results and discussion, referring to the research objectives. Fill in the conclusion using the same font and paragraph style as the other sections. When writing conclusions, it is not permitted to use bullets or numbers. The conclusion is written as concisely as possible so that it is easy to understand as a conclusion.

To avoid errors in writing articles, we recommend that every IJLIL author use the document/template that has been provided as a master. So the author just needs to enter his writing, but before that please save as first according to the requested file name. If you experience difficulties, the IJLIL Editorial Board will help and clarify as needed. Hopefully these instructions are useful for writers/authors.


Bibliography Format

Bibliography is arranged using a reference application such as Mendeley or Zotero in TURABIAN FULL NOTE STYLE format which is categorized based on the source type in the form of books, journals, papers, essays in written collections, and internet. At least 20 reference (80 % is the journals for the last 3 years). The references are arranged based on ABJAD format with Contantia font 11pt and single spacing.